This is an easy one. Gummy Bears are numero uno.
They have been my favorite snack for as long as I can remember. Colorful, flavorful, and best of all, chewy.
My favorite part of the gummy bear, besides eating them, is how I eat them. At times, I eat the bears' heads first, or I bite off the heads of two and switch them onto an other's body, color coordination is a standard as well. There is no wrong way to eat a gummy bear. Although I believe they are best left to survive on their own, just like real bears. If they are added to a deserts like ice cream or 'dirt' their chewy instincts are tarnished. They get hard, cold and are difficult to enjoy.
Tons of gummy bear brands exist. I can think of at least 5 right now because I am full of useless information. However, there is one brand that trumps all: The Haribo Gummy Bear. They are delicious! When I get my hands on that bag of golden greatness, there is no stopping me from popping these gratifying gummies in handful at a time. The average size package of 'Haribo Gold Bears' runs 5 ounces and will cost $1.69.
23 bags and a large coca cola later, Rachel Ray has a season premiere of $40 a day.
In addition to being high in the taste-to-cost ratio, gummy bears are easy to take on the go. This fits my lifestyle perfectly. Being an avid snacker I get hungry quite a bit, but not always by my pantry. So 4 mini-haribo packages are more than enough to do the trick. For example, I will stuff some bears in my Tallit bag for a long day at shul. For the uninformed, a Tallit bag holds a Jewish man's prayer shawl, and in my case, tiny bags of gummy bears too. They fit quite snugly; keeping them from the tortuous air conditioning for which Congregation Shearith Israel has become famous. On more than one occasion, the Haribo has saved my stomach from long services. I keep it clean on the Yom though.
No snack is without its difficulties on the body, and these tasty morsels have caused some small unpleasantries for me in the past. I mentioned earlier that I eat them quite quickly. What happens when you eat fast? Yup, tummy aches and hiccups. No big deal, really.
Otherwise, after I eat a helping of bears, I just want to chest bump myself.
Next time: something savory
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